According to CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation), one in three Australian homes has termites. For example, this infestation is prevalent in Brisbane and the Gold Coast. For this reason, home buyers and property investors should protect their investments. Hence they should learn more about termite control and prevention. It helps them to maintain their property’s value.

Termites or white ants damage a property’s interior and exterior. When the termites find a piece of timber close to the ground, they gradually hollow out each wood upwards to the roof. If ignored, termites can incur significant damage that leads to the loss of vast amounts of money.

Protection against termites

Start by inspecting the home and nearby property about twice each year for termite infestation signs. Check for mud tunnels or mounds in your yard and near your property’s foundation, then check whether your subfloor is damaged. In addition, look out for flying termites during spring. Remove all the old stumps, timber stacks, cardboard stacks and building refuse from your property. Water attracts termites; hence it would be best to repair each leaking water pipe and capture the water drains from your property’s air conditioning units.

How to control termites

Do not panic if you conduct frequent inspections and discover you have a termite infestation. Termites may be present around your yard. However, it does not mean they have damaged your property. Nevertheless, have the infestation inspected fast. There are some DIY termite solutions. But termite infestation is an issue that an amateur cannot handle.
So it is best to hire an expert termite control professional. The expert will assess your problem and provide effective remedies. Your home’s value is compromised, so please act fast and wisely.

Termite damage makes you incur expensive repairs and decreases your property’s value. Knowledgeable property investors and buyers appreciate that it is essential to identify termite presence before it becomes too late.

Below is a list of areas prone to timber pest activity:

Wood in your home exterior

If there are stacks of wood near your property or huge tree-lined sections, it increases the incidence of timber pests. Termites and different pests mainly infest areas outside your home and move inside. If you keep firewood close to your home, ensuring it does not touch the house would be best. Moreover, the tree-lined sections should have termite treatment frequently.

Soil close to your home’s wood

Most home buyers and property managers do not know that soil in the property’s proximity causes issues. Termites form tunnels to enable them to move within the ground. Consequently, it gives them access to your property’s timber.


Termites use their mud-shelter tubes for travelling throughout your property, such as walls. Look for significant buildups of mud stuck to your walls, particularly in the basement.

Stagnant water

Leaking plumbing can cause huge sections of stagnant water in your home. Termites flourish in humid areas like this. Remember that stagnant water outside and inside your property is enticing to timber pests.

Exposed wood

Exposed wood is another main target for termites. This wood type is common in the basement and attic. Timber pests find it easy to access exposed wood. So please monitor it carefully for any indications of activity.

Cracks in the foundation

This area is also easily accessible to timber pests. Due to this, it is best to repair cracks in your foundation immediately to avoid infestation.

Near chimneys

Termites and different timber pests like maintaining warmth in the winter. As a result, it makes them settle near the chimney.

If you are experiencing timber activity, have it treated immediately. Doing so prevents expensive repairs in the future.

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